

TangShan HanWei Trading Co.,Ltd

Tangshan HanWei offered SIC products divided into Recrystallized silicon carbide(RSIC),Nitride bonded silicon carbide(NSIC) and sintered silicon carbide(SiSIC), Pure Si3N4. Products covering: beams, batts(setter slabs),burner nozzles, thermalcouple protection tubes,riser tubes, Stalk tube,rollers,loading plates for ITO target,Zirconia and Alumina ceramics firing,saggers(crucibles) & irregular shape SIC products.

TangShan HanWei Trading Co.,Ltd

Country: China
Address: Tangshan Hanwei- RSiC NSiC SiSiC Ceramics Hancheng Industrial Park 063000,Tangshan City, Hebei China
Postal Code: 063000
Website: www.hw-biz.com

TangShan HanWei Trading Co.,Ltd

Address: Tangshan Hanwei- RSiC NSiC SiSiC Ceramics Hancheng Industrial Park 063000,Tangshan City, Hebei China Postal Code: 063000 Website: www.hw-biz.com

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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